If you're looking for a beautiful guitar that is also a work of art, look no further. This one-of-a-kind Deimel Firestar Artist Edition »TOGETHER« not only looks great buy it plays like a dream.
The Deimel Firestar Artist Edition »TOGETHER« is the 5th of it's kind with exclusive one of artwork by Kora Jünger. It was built by Kora & Frank in 2018 and it is a tribute to women power! For all women who don't take their lives for granted, for all women who are suffering of the inequality of gender, and for our daughters, who we wish a life of equal opportunities.All drawings are unique by Kora and applied by her to the body of the guitar with a transfer technique. Some details of her art work might reapear on future Artist Editions, but will not be reeated entiryl. This is a one of a kind Deimel Firestar Artist Edition.