Seymour Duncan Studio Bass Compressor Pedal Bass Compression Effect Pedal

Our unique Blend knob and 3 way mini-toggle switch will allow you to select the frequency range of the original uncompressed signal as well as infinitely adjust the amount of "wet" versus "dry" signal that is routed to the output. It's often best to put a compressor at the beginning of your effects chain, but sometimes it can work more efficiently when placed after effects such as an auto wah or envelope filter. You won't do any damage by putting your effects in the so-called wrong order, so feel free to experiment and find what works best for your sound.

  • The Studio Bass Compressor is a studio-grade, classic compressor in a user friendly 4 knob format
  • Transparent and pairs beautifully with the 805 Overdrive for tight grind
  • Designed and Assembled in Santa Barbara, CA